6 Tips for Looking and Feeling Your Best During the COVID-19 Recovery

After spending most of your time at home this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you might feel like you need to change up your routine as restrictions lift. If you’re stuck in a career rut, seeking local networking opportunities through Pittsburgh Young Professionals can boost your prospects. In addition to working on your professional goals, focusing on your physical and mental well-being is the key to making the most of your downtime, whether you’d prefer to stay home or venture out your front door. Here are a few tips that will help you look and feel your best as we ride out this pandemic.

Cook Nutritious Meals

Eating a nutritious diet doesn’t just boost your physical health — it’s also essential for your mental health. The events of the past few months may have left you feeling down, but stocking your kitchen with foods that have been scientifically proven to help fight symptoms of depression can help boost your mood. For example, eating foods like bananas, dark berries, avocados, and carrots can all help improve your mental health. Cooking for yourself and selecting healthy snacks is essential!

Exercise Regularly

In addition to cooking healthy meals, exercising regularly is also crucial if you want to look and feel your best. Even if you’re missing your old gym, you can still work out at home or outdoors. To get into a regular fitness routine, Everyday Health recommends starting slow, stretching out before you begin your workouts, and knowing when to take a break — it’s important to slow down if you’re feeling winded and take days off when necessary. Don’t forget to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest to recharge after workouts!

Start Meditating

If you’re feeling stressed out, you’re certainly not alone. But if you want to finally kick your stress, meditation might be a good solution. You can set up a corner of your home for meditation, or you could try meditating outside if the weather permits. CNET recommends having something to focus your attention on, such as mala beads, and using a meditation app to keep your thoughts from wandering.

Set Small Goals

You might not be able to engage in some of your favorite hobbies or sports right now, but setting new goals and starting different projects can help you stay motivated and energized. For instance, if you’d like to increase your income and save more money, you could start a side hustle like refurbishing furniture or electronics, tutoring, or crafting. Need help connecting with your first customers? You can use social media and virtual events to get in touch with people who need your services.

Update Your Wardrobe

There’s a good chance you’ve cut back on spending on little luxuries since the beginning of the pandemic. But sometimes, splurging on new clothes can brighten your day! Plus, you’ll be able to show off your new wardrobe items before you know it. Pick out comfortable, stylish clothes that you can wear around the house or out and about, like warm sweaters, flannels, and athleisure wear. Cozy, flirty nightgowns also make for great sleepwear!

Pamper Yourself

Finally, it’s important to simply pamper yourself sometimes. Pampering yourself does not need to be expensive – in fact, there are plenty of ways to practice self-care even on a tight budget. Perhaps this means indulging in your favorite desserts on the weekends, taking bubble baths at the end of long workdays, or doing DIY spa treatments on a free afternoon. It’s been a challenging year, and you deserve to relax!

If you’ve been feeling bored, tired, and unmotivated recently, you’re not alone – many people are struggling with the same emotions. But you don’t have to resign yourself to feeling this way until the end of the pandemic. With these tips, you’ll be looking and feeling better in no time. 

Ready to start preparing for life after the pandemic? Jumpstart your next career move by networking with Pittsburgh Young Professionals.

Guest blog authored by Cheryl Conklin. Cheryl Conklin takes writing and tutoring seriously. From her travels and experiences, Wellness Central was born with the goal of instilling the mindset of physical and mental wellbeing to various audiences. She only wishes to be able to share her many inspirations from her escapades.filed under: Press Release