Goal Setting for the New Year

When it comes to setting personal goals, be they career, financial, personal, it helps to understand three basic things:
- Who am I?
- Why am I here?
- What matters most and what matters least?
Who Am I? In medieval times, nobility brandished a coat-of-arms. Originating to establish identification on the battlefield, they evolved to symbolize connections like families, alliances, ownership and professions. We tend to get our identities tangled with our relationships and what we do. But as individuals, we value certain things that others connected to us may not share. Its important to start with a self-assessment of the values that matter to YOU. Think of it as your personal coat-of-arms. It too will likely change somewhat as you mature and grow. What you value at your core should be central and in alignment to any goals you set.
Why am I here? Author Simon Sinek has challenged us to become like a three year old again and ask WHY? When we understand our WHY, we can answer question #2. Somewhere in our early years, through play and interests, we may have established some path of development for hobbies, career or interests. Some may have had an experience which profoundly affected and made a connection to what we want to do in our life. Some of us may still be trying to figure out our WHY. Keep asking the question because YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON and what you experienced or will experience are going to help you unwrap that mystery.
What matters most and what matters least? This helps dig down to the actual goal setting by recognizing the behaviors for achieving them. We know our goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and include a time for completion. But how do we decide amongst competing options, opportunities and feelings? When we align our goals with what matters most to us- our values, and we allow for reflecting on these values in the midst of our decision making, we usually make better, rational decisions. It does not matter if those decisions are related to personal growth, relationships, career or finances.
Having an accountability partner along this journey is important. We all need to hear encouragement when we struggle, and an “at-a-boy!” along the way. Our team is available to help you on this journey. We offer complimentary one-on-one financial wellness consultations. If you are ready to start planning for your future, please give us a call at (412) 787-3373 or visit our website at www.speakmanfinancial.com. filed under: Press Release
Tags: financial wellness, goal, goal setting, goals, pittsburgh young professionals, pyp, Speakman Financial, what matters most, who am I, why am I here