PYP Gets Involved through Community Outreach

“PYP seeks to build trust in our community, and a great way to do this is by encouraging our members to donate their time to Pittsburgh volunteer opportunities and organizations. “
One of the primary focuses of PYP and the development of our organization is community involvement. We desire to create connections through volunteer work that displays our passion for the Pittsburgh area. That’s why we decided to kick off the new year with a community service event with the Center for Victims. The Center for Victims (CV) is a community based, non-profit organization. They are the largest and most inclusive provider of services, advocacy, and education for victims of crime within Pennsylvania. Their mission lies in “supporting victims, healing trauma, and creating more peaceful communities”.
PYP recently participated and organized a philanthropy event with center for victims here in Pittsburgh. We had the opportunity to package bags for victims coming to the organization, within these bags are items they need for personal care. You can read more about our past event here:
Pittsburgh Young Professional ’s Community Outreach Committee found this pivotal connection with the Center for Victims, and through this organization PYP was able to stand with them to help victims of criminal injustice. McKenna Gilbert, the Community Engagement Associate at Center for Victims who is also a PYP member, explained: “Working with volunteers from Pittsburgh Young Professionals allows our agency to connect across communities on the services we provide. Violence and trauma has no limits on who can be impacted. By educating younger generations on the impacts of violence and resources for healing, we are able to better serve our community and work towards a more peaceful community.” PYP sought to connect members with local organizations to help meet the needs of the community and we were overjoyed to work with the Center for Victims on giving back to our community.
Furthermore, PYP was able to complete this event while operating within COVID-19 safety measures. We are proud that all of our members have come together to make PYP a place where you can create networking connections, but also get involved in the community through our new advances in outreach. We had a great turnout for the first philanthropic event of the new year: 42% of attendees were attending their first PYP event and 63% of the attendees hold officer positions within the PYP organization.
Through the donations of PYP members time and money, and the many other partners CV has within the community; the organization is able to help create a welcoming and hopeful environment to those in unsafe relationships. Additionally, members of PYP were able to share the services and opportunities offered by the Center for Victims to their networks.
We are ecstatic to provide our members with these unique opportunities that help to foster better outcomes within our community and volunteering is a great way to create new connections with other organizations. PYP seeks to build trust in our community, and a great way to do this is by encouraging our members to donate their time to Pittsburgh volunteer opportunities and organizations.Amy C., a current member of PYP, shared her thoughts on our new focus on community involvement: “It was so well put together, and it was so nice to give back to the community, even in a small way, so I look forward to future PYP volunteer events”.
As we move forward into the new year, PYP is excited to begin this journey with our members, the city of Pittsburgh, and organizations who understand the change people can make when we come together as a community.
filed under: Press Release
Tags: community, community outreach, outreach, pyp