5 Healthy WFH Habits to Develop

What do you do to maintain a healthy balance in your life now that you may have had to upend your previous way of life? 

We are all struggling to rearrange and reallocate time, energy, and money during the current crisis.  Many of us have been working from home or (unfortunately) furloughed during this time and it is important to discover new and revisit existing healthy habits. Depending on your workload, you may have more or less downtime.  What do you do to maintain a healthy balance in your life now that you may have had to upend your previous way of life?  

PYP and Apogee have asked the same question.  We have partnered with our sponsor to research and suggest a few things that may be helpful for you and your new routine.

Keep Your Commute

Your life prior to COVID-19 probably consisted of a daily routine.  You wake up, you shower, you get dressed according to your work rules, and get started on your commute. You now may not need a road to travel or place to be, but it is important to continue a routine much like the one you had been used to.  Instead of hopping on the computer and getting started early (i.e. in effect elongating your work day) – try opting for exercise instead. Weather permitting, you can take a run, jog, walk, or a bike ride that matches your commute – or you can work out with the boundless amounts of fitness gurus online. 

“Social distancing does not mean becoming antisocial.  Apps like ZoomGoogle Hangouts, and Facetime are great ways to connect.

Schedule Free Time

Prevent burnout and maintain human interaction throughout the day by scheduling breaks.  Hanging out at the watercolor in the office was a way to take a break and blow off some steam.  Make sure that you are taking breaks every 20-30 minutes. Interact with a work friend via teams or zoom.  Call them to check in and chat to give your mind and eyes a rest. Make sure that you are marking this time down on your calendar beforehand, whether it is on your phone or simply writing it down in your trusty notebook similar to a meeting for work. This way, you can get a reminder to take a break and zone out or chat with a friend. Social distancing does not mean becoming antisocial.  Apps like ZoomGoogle Hangouts, and Facetime are great ways to connect.

Dedicate a Space to You

We do not all have the luxury of space.  Sometimes we are living in tight quarters in the city, but firmly plant your flag where you need to get in the zone.  Set limitations for others in the home and be sure to give space to them as well. This way, you can focus in that space and know adapt to your new WFH environment.

Meal Prep 

It may seem like it would be easier to do this now that you are home a lot more, but meal prep is still a chore.  You are making decisions all day long and the last thing you want to do is make one more once you logout. Take time during the weekends to plan meals and meal prep.  This will cause way less disturbances throughout the week and help you get into and maintain your new routine. Check out some of these meal prep ideas to get you started and make your life easier.

“If you cannot create an ergonomic environment at home, then take time throughout the day to check your posture, sit up straight, and stretch.”

Posture Check

This may seem odd, but chances are you are no longer in an ergonomic environment where everything is designed for ease and comfort when working.  You are more than likely at your dining room table or sitting on your couch in the living room while working. This causes slouching and hunching, especially when attempting to view your now tiny screen.  If you cannot create an ergonomic environment at home, then take time throughout the day to check your posture, sit up straight, and stretch. There are even yoga poses to help you with this.

These changes are small, but effective.  The rumor is that it only takes 21 days to form a habit, so take some of the suggestions above and make it a healthy one.  Remember, while quarantine may not be forever, it is the new normal so take care of yourself and stay healthy!

Authored by Cate Foradori, 2020 PR Committee Chair

Blog post sponsored by Apogee Resources Group LLC

Apogee Resources Group LLC has a mission where “our focus is your success”. We are honored to not only support PYP as a corporate sponsor, but more importantly live our mission as an active member and resource to all PYP members. Our focus is the accounting/finance profession, but no matter your profession, we are here to listen and provide valuable feedback to help you achieve your career aspirations by guiding you in the right direction.

Apogee Resources Group LLC is a professional services firm made up of a team of accounting/finance professionals. Our team has degrees in the professions we hire for and have worked directly in the roles ourselves. Our business model focuses on utilizing those professional experiences and expertise to help other accounting/finance professionals advance in their careers.

Visit our website at www.argpgh.com to learn more about us, our services, and our commitment as a trusted resource to our fellow accounting/finance professionals.

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