The Top Podcasts for the Busy Young Professional

Let’s be honest.  Between building a career, establishing a professional network, and maintaining a daily routine that challenges even the best schedulers, the life of a young professional hardly leaves time to rest; let alone read a 200 to 300-page book.

So, what is an eager to learn young professional to do? Listen to a podcast!

Podcasts are a great way to advance your career and stay up to date while hearing from industry experts, productivity gurus, and motivational speakers. Better yet, a podcast can turn those less productive moments (your morning commute, waiting for that late meeting to start, etc.) into a digital seminar where-ever you are, on topics that will help you develop skills and strategies to get ahead while taking steps toward your professional goals.

Here are 6 podcasts for young professionals that will make you want to grab your headphones and dive in.

1.       The School of Greatness

Pro-athlete turned podcast host, Lewis Howes, interviews entrepreneurs, creatives, athletes, and celebrities to discover how they achieve ‘greatness’. Howes focuses on the path and journey of the successful individual, not just highlighting their success, but also capturing their less than shining moments— inspiring listeners to work towards their goals and passions.

2.       The Ziglar Show

Be inspired in 15 minutes or less with the positive words of Zig Ziglar. Whether you are a business professional, medical provider, or in an artistic field this podcast will help you concentrate on the positive aspects of your career and personal life.

3.       HBR IdeaCast

Industry updates, international news, and social issues, oh my! This weekly podcast covers it all. Featuring business and management thought leaders, the Harvard Business Review discusses the latest trends in politics, culture, and business to keep young professionals up to date in today’s constantly changing environment.

4.       Beyond the To-Do List

Who doesn’t want to be more productive? Learn how to amplified their productivity both personally and professionally, as Host Erik Fisher talks with real-world professionals about their journey to a more productive lifestyle.

5.       Ted Talks Daily

You may have heard of Ted Talks, or even watched a few. But, with a busy schedule, you probably do not have time to watch one every day. This podcast highlights the latest Ted Talks in audio format, releasing a new one every weekday. Covering every topic imaginable, Ted Talks Daily will give you something to ponder.

6.       Millennial Money

Certified Financial Planner Shannah Compton delivers easy to understand money advice for the young professionals with any level of income. With creative budgeting strategies and hard-hitting money topics, Shannon turns the hard to have money conversations into an exciting journey toward financial security and a financial plan that fits your dreams.

Looking for additional podcasts? Ask a fellow PYP member their favorite at our upcoming event! Not only is it a great way to expand your audio horizons, but it is also a great way to break the ice and make some valuable connections.

Happy Listening! 

Authored by Alizabeth Leng- 2019 PR chair

filed under: Resources

Tags: Alizabeth Lengpittsburghpittsburgh young professionalspodcasts